Wednesday 17 January 2018

What Is Turnkey Real Estate Investing

This is a simple concept in which the investor buys, rehabilitates and then resells a property with a profit. This is also known as "flipping" a house. This process usually occurs remotely, because the investor remains in their own home, sometimes in a place where the change of direction makes no sense and uses the Internet to search and invest in opportunities. The goal here is to make the investment process in real estate as easy as possible, so all the investor has to do is turn on a switch or "turn on the key".

Typically, then, you are buying a single-family home, repairing it, to align it with current codes and make it more attractive to buyers. Is that how it works:

A seller or turnkey company buys the property. One or more investors buy a part or all of the shares of the house.

The retailer or company "fixes" or rehabilitates the property so that it is current and attractive to buyers.

Once the property is rehabilitated, it is put back on the market for resale.
As soon as a sale is closed, the investor obtains his money plus any profit that has been obtained, according to the part of the investment he owns.

If done correctly, this can be a very solid investment strategy.

 You, as an investor, have obtained benefits from changing the home, and may have the least or the greatest possible participation. You can get involved or not get involved in the investment process if you wish, helping to supervise contractors who rehabilitate the home or leaving the entire process to the retailer turnkey.

Why not just buy a house and change/rent it?

Maybe you think you can simply eliminate the intermediary, the retailer or the turnkey company, and you can do all the work yourself. While many investors do exactly that and do it, there are some drawbacks. In most cases, you will end up doing a lot more work than you would as an investor. This is what you would have to do if you became a fin, instead of using a turnkey solution and having the turnkey retailer handle the process for you.

Find the property: First, you must locate an appropriate property, which means knowing which neighborhoods will attract buyers or tenants.

Rehabilitation of the property: then, you must renovate and rehabilitate the property, make it adhere to the current codes and also be an excellent property for a single family. This requires an adequate budget and attention to contractors and workers, something that requires a presence on the site.
Market the property for sale or rent: once the house is ready to move, you must find a buyer or a tenant who pays to move to the location.

If you decide to rent the property, you would be entering a completely new dimension. For more information on the turnkey real estate investment in which you rent instead of reselling, see our outline of that investment strategy.

If this seems like a lot of work, it is because it is. With the investment of real estate turnkey, you can remove much or little of that work from your shoulders and put it in the hands of another person. Let's look at the advantages of turnkey real estate investment.

The advantages of real estate investment turnkey

In a complete real estate investment situation and turnkey, you are an investor, not an investor or owner. You are hiring another person to manage the property for you, so all you have to do is collect the benefits. These are some of the main advantages of the turnkey real estate investment.

Does not require your presence locally

With real estate investment turnkey, you acquire single-family properties in remote locations. This allows you the freedom to continue living wherever you want while maintaining a cash flow from a place that has excellent real estate values. You can continue living in your gated community in Florida, for example, where flipping homes might not make sense while investing in properties that can be changed or rented in Seattle or anywhere else that has a high demand for such properties.

Easy diversification of your investment portfolio

Turnkey real estate investment can be a success if done correctly. One aspect of correctly executing a smart real estate investment strategy is to invest properly in multiple markets, something that is easy to do since it requires little or no time. The benefits of investing in multiple markets are simple: it provides protection against an unexpected slowdown in an economy. For example, an investment in single-family properties in Seattle might seem like a guaranteed cash flow scenario, but what happens if Boeing announces major layoffs? If that happened, housing prices would fall and properties would be harder to sell, negatively affecting their profits.

Because the turnkey investment in real estate makes it so easy to have multiple properties, this is a significant advantage of the investment strategy if you do it right. In other words, do not put all your eggs in one basket.

It is not necessary to be a real estate expert

When it comes to a reputable turnkey real estate company or retailer, that supplier knows the real estate markets much more accurately than a stranger would. Sure, you could do some basic research in one area, checking local school qualifications, crime reports and price ranges, but a technical assistance service provider will know all that and more; They will know the heart of an area, such as why people prefer one neighborhood over another.

The disadvantages of real estate investment Company

If the turnkey real estate investments sound like a sure way to make money, you should keep in mind that there are disadvantages in the strategy. First of all, you will come across turnkey retailers that try to maximize their own returns at the expense of cutting corners, but beyond that, there are other drawbacks.

The "middleman" needs to earn money

The turnkey company is a business, and that company needs to make money. This means buying a property at a discount and then selling it to a larger amount, of "flipping" the property, often for a considerable profit margin. After that, the turnkey company can obtain an additional profit by managing the sale or rental of the individual property for you. One thing to remember about this drawback, however, is that turnkey companies often have a marketing machine running at all times and can find incredible deals in their market, allowing them to offer you good business even when the company gets its profits.

You have to trust someone

There are key "turbid" companies out there. These companies will encourage a foreign investor to buy a bad property in an incorrect location, which means that more money escapes from the investors' pockets than from the entrance. You must rely on the knowledge, experience, and credibility of the turnkey operator. to really make you a good business. This means that you must deal with someone you can truly trust.


There are serious benefits for turnkey real estate investment, and it can definitely be an attractive cash flow strategy. However, there are also drawbacks to keep in mind before continuing with the offers. You should investigate the supplier turnkey and ensure that they are respectable and profitable, and make sure that the cash flow opportunity offered to you is really feasible and realistic. Turnkey real estate investment is a fantastic way to make money, provided you are smart about it and take charge of your own due diligence throughout the process.

What Is Turnkey Real Estate Investing

Monday 15 January 2018

Ideas for Short Term Savings

Savings account: this is often the simplest and most commonly used plan in which people invest. While the returns are very low, accessing money is quick and easy.

Money market funds: a special type of mutual fund that these funds invest in very short-term in uk bonds. Certainly, offer better returns than the conventional savings account, but much less than what is called certificates of deposit.

Certificate of deposit (CD): specialized deposit that can be made in a bank or in any other financial institution. Although the interest rate is generally the same as that of other short-term bonds, the interest is paid regularly until the certificate of deposit expires. When it does, the original amount is returned together with the accrued interest payments.

The most attractive investment avenue for many is the stock market. Compared to other long-term investment tools, stocks historically have given marvelous returns on the money invested.
For long-term savings:

Bonds: known as fixed income securities are available in various forms. Issued by the government or by several corporations, they give a fixed amount of yield each year.

Actions: by far, the most attractive and the most volatile of the options, the actions actually allow people to own small parts of large companies. A single stock action actually represents a certain proportional share of ownership for that individual in the company. Although the value of the stock it owns increases and decreases according to the way in which the value of the company changes, historically stocks have offered great returns on investment.

Mutual funds: this is a wonderful way for investors to pool their money to invest in various investment schemes and, at the same time, distribute risks without anyone taking any disproportionate risk. The advantage of mutual funds is that you do not have to manage your money; The fund manager, who is usually a top-level finance professional, will take care of your money.

Ideas for Short Term Savings

Friday 12 January 2018

Penny Stock Investing Online

penny stock investment

If you are considering starting to invest in penny stocks, consider opening an online trading account. Since the cost of performing an operation is much lower online than through an intermediary, operations with penny stocks online can maximize the benefits that are obtained in successful operations and minimize losses in failures. This is very important in the trade of penny stocks since the idea is to obtain small profits, but many of them. To be successful, you must do certain things. Below is a guide to online penny stock trading.

1) Examine the structure of sharing. How are the shares distributed? If there is a large number of shares held by an entity, stay away. You should be especially tired if the shares are held abroad.

2) Contact the company. You should always do this to make sure the company is legitimate. Make sure you can contact them by phone and use common sense. If the president answers the phone, this should be an important warning sign. If there is a residential type message on the answering machine, you can be pretty sure that the company is a hoax. Verify your number with directory assistance. Check your registration with the Better Business Bureau.

3) The history of the company is important. This does not mean that start-ups are not good options, it's simply an advantage if the company has a track record of success. Also, stay away from companies that have made several inverse divisions over the years.

4) Set a limit for yourself. Investing in Penny stock online is a gamble. It's risky and it's easy to get carried away. Stay disciplined by investing only in your pre-established budget.

An exit strategy is the most important part of the online investment. If you buy shares online, when is the best time to sell them and guarantee the maximum benefit? To find the best online stock trading websites and to learn more about how to invest online, visit the free online trading guide of cheap online resources.

Tuesday 9 January 2018

To Invest or Not to Invest, That Is the Question

The recent Arab Spring shook the Middle East. However, the UAE remains stable and safe, with commercial activities at a normal level. There has been no such uprising in the region and the country has become a default refuge from the riots. These aspects lead to a slightly different trend than usual: more traffic from Arab countries to the United Arab Emirates and more business. The growing crisis of the sovereign debt of Europe and the unstable economy. They could well be the cause of this "regionalization": the Arabs investment property their oil dollars in other Arab countries, with the United Arab Emirates being the center of that activity.

Dubai has seen nothing of the violence that has destabilized the region. Its hotel, retail and residential sectors are enjoying an impulse of the general stability of the country. According to Reuters, anecdotal evidence suggests that Arabs, middle-class and above, are buying Dubai properties to cover their risks in other countries.

Similarly, in India, a weaker currency is encouraging Indian expatriates in the Gulf to invest in domestic markets. According to Economic Times, non-resident Indians, especially those living in the Gulf, have invested around Rs. 75 crores in August and September of this year in the region, the highest payment in more than 2 and a half years.

Recently, Russell buy Investments property classified the United Arab Emirates as an emerging market as opposed to the border market designation granted by MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International) and Standard and Poors. The UAE is the first country of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to graduate from the border to the emerging market state within the Russell Global Index series. The market in the UAE seems to be a welcoming investment. In addition, the articles say that those willing to invest in the UAE, have a longer-term investment focus and are not affected by short-term market fluctuations. This clearly demonstrates the relatively greater comparative value of investing in the UAE in other parts of the world.

According to the UAE Investor Attitude Index published in the UAE - The National newspaper, about 60 percent of investors surveyed said it was a good time to put money in gold, and half said fixed rate bank deposits. They were smart investments. The survey was based on interviews with more than 750 people in the United Arab Emirates, who are market investors, most of whom were expatriates. The roar and rumble of Dubai have always been related to the real estate market. There is still an excess supply in the market and investors do not seem to want to invest much in real estate. Although there are still a number of challenges to overcome, it seems that stability is going up.

money investment

Supporting that, Kabir Mulchandani, a UAE real estate veteran says that pessimism is in people's minds. "I transfer properties every day, my optimism comes from real demand and from real buyers with real money, I see steady growth in prices until 2014, but then I see a significant jump between 2014 and 2016. Probably in 2017 and 2018, when the suppliers are against us to return, hopefully, we will have some stabilization. "

Once the pending infrastructure projects are about to be completed, it is likely that more investors will investigate in the real estate market, which is certainly experiencing a rebound. According to a recent industry survey conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and INSEAD Abu Dhabi, the private equity industry in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) has emerged stronger from the global financial crisis and recent political turmoil in the region. In addition, the survey showed that the sector of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) has become a new investment objective for regional private equity players.

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Wondering Where to Invest Money? Big Risk Equals Big Money

If you have some additional funds, you may be wondering where to invest money and get the most return on your investment. Well, there are many investment opportunities. And there are many different ways to invest your money. However, you should first ask yourself some questions. Are you looking for quick money or are you willing to be patient and let your money work for you? Do you want a safe investment or are you willing to take a risk? How much risk? All these questions are important.

If you are looking for a secure method and you are a patient person, investing your money in a compound interest account is a very good way to earn money. The more money you have to invest, the greater the return you will have. And you can easily convert your investment into a fortune.

If you are willing to take a risk and want to get a quick return on your short term investment, you may want to try your luck in the stock market. There are many different stocks available and they vary from safe to very risky. A good place to consult particular actions is online. You can also start an online account to manage your investments in stocks.

Just remember, this is a business. If you are going to invest in stocks, do not keep an action because you want to support the company. And do not panic and sell your shares with losses, if the stock falls. Fortunes are made and lost daily in the stock market.

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Sunday 31 December 2017

Why Work with a Fee-Only Financial Advisor

Financial Advisor

When you accept professional advice on how to invest, save and grow your hard earned money, you have certain expectations of your financial advisor: experience, professionalism, ethics and solid and independent financial advice. If you are not working with a financial advisor for fees, you may not get what you negotiated.  With best investment firm Why?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2008 there were more than 208,000 financial advisors in the United States, and that number is expected to increase to 300,000 in 2018. However, of those, only 2,000 are paid and members of the Association National of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA). Unlike the financial consultants based on transactions that make money with the commissions obtained from the sale of financial products, the financial advisers of only payment do not sell any product nor work in commissions. Instead, the client pays a flat fee for the independent financial advisory services they provide, rather than the recommended investments. We are going to break it down:

No sales / no commissions
Many financial advisors are "Commission-based", which means that their income is directly related to financial products and the investments they sell to them. Make no mistake, they are selling; These individuals may call themselves financial advisors, but in reality, they are only financial sellers. Here's why: it's more lucrative to recommend certain investment products than others because of the commissions they earn. Therefore, it is very difficult for you, the client, to assess whether the particular investment recommendation of the "advisor" is the most appropriate for your portfolio, or whether it is financially more lucrative for the consultant. In contrast, Fee-Only financial advisors do not sell any products or earn commissions; his only source of income comes from his clients. Therefore, customers understand that Fee-Only Advisor works only for the best interest of their customers, and they are not linked to any investment company, product or even insurance company. As a result, the advice is impartial and independent, without conflicts of interest, they are free to recommend investments and products that are the best for the client instead of the results of the company. It is important to determine who your financial advisor is really working for: do you or the company whose products are being recommended?

Based on fees
In recent years, the term "Fee-Based" was introduced by large investment companies in response to the growing demand for just payment. Beware of the buyer: based on fees is not the same as only payment. Fee-based financial advisors can charge commissions and commissions, and they can also be encouraged to recommend certain products backed by their sponsoring companies.

Fiduciary Standard
A fiduciary is a financial professional who stays in trust, and is legally obligated to put the interests of his clients above his own. Financial advisors with a single rate are the only financial consultants that operate under a fiduciary standard; Transaction-based financial consultants operate under what is known as a suitability standard, which is a much more flexible standard. In addition, Fee-Only financial advisors are highly regulated by state or federal regulators. If your financial advisor is not willing to sign a fiduciary oath pledging to put your interests above yours, then it's time to work with someone who only pays.

Based on solutions vs. Product based

A product-based approach is whereby a specific product is recommended or sold to the customer, sometimes irrespective of the client's particular financial circumstances and objectives. Transaction, commission and fee advisors generally receive training on the products they sell and/or recommend, and adopt a product-based approach to their clients' portfolios. The problem with the product-based approach is that the provision of comprehensive financial advice should be a multi-step process, integrating the client's financial and non-financial holistic reality. Financial advisors with a single rate always adopt a holistic approach to each client and offer more objective advice on a large number of investment options. As part of the holistic approach, Fee-Only financial advisors recognize that they can not work in financial silos, but rather in coordination with the other professional consultants of the client, such as CPA, lawyers, and real estate planners. In this way, customers can be sure that all actions related to their finances are proportional to their needs
online money investment

Thursday 28 December 2017

The Benefits of Investing Online

Investing and investing online, in particular, can be quite confusing for first-time investors. In order to learn how to invest and a good investment strategy, most mutual funds and stock investors invest professional stockbrokers who are trained in equity investments. Personal intermediaries can provide professional advice when deciding on investment funds or investment funds and can achieve a highly successful investment strategy.

The main job of a stockbroker or investment advisor is to act as an intermediary between the companies and the investment investors in shares. In addition, an investment advisor can help you plan your retirement. First, anyone interested in investing, whether in mutual funds or mutual funds, has to open an account at a brokerage firm. After this first step is out of the way, the investor is taught the basics of how to invest and after that, he or she is free to start buying and selling on the stock market.

A good tip for anyone who is just beginning to enter the world of mutual funds, investment in stocks and mutual funds is to practice a little before actually starting to invest their own money. With the current options provided by an online investment, investors can now make dry investments, that is, participate in simulated actions experiences. Also, keep in mind that most brokerage firms and brokerage firms are willing to offer discounts on the fees charged.

While some companies have offers that allow their clients to invest in mutual funds through them without opening an account, a brokerage account offers many more benefits than just learning to invest. Many brokerage firms also provide assistance to avoid tax problems and offer many other special services. For example, many brokerage companies these days offer assistance with retirement planning.

The Benefits of Investing Online

To get away a bit from regular investments and investment funds, these are some of the most attractive facts about online investment. First, when investing online pay very low commissions, if any. The commissions for investing online can be between 1 and 10 dollars, while the rates of the intermediaries fluctuate between 7 and 70 dollars, depending on the size of your operation. In terms of trading speed, investing online is a little faster, but not much. Still, generally in stock the time of negotiation is essential, so every minute counts.

When you invest online, you also have Internet at your fingertips, so research is also done in real time. Company information, analyst reports and everything else that could help you make a good investment is just a few clicks away. In conclusion, it is strongly recommended to any new person in online investing and investing in general to research and learn how to invest before investing your own hard earned money. There are many good resources on the Internet that will help you learn about investments and help you increase your investment education.